Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pushing your boundaries - going beyond your comfort zone

Well, I did it, I moved over to California on Monday in an attempt to realise my potential and achieve my goal.  I have pushed my boundaries and certainly gone beyond my comfort zone that's for sure!
My goal is to become self employed and to begin to help people to realise their potential, rid themselves of negative emotion, become at one with the universe and really feel good about themselves and their achievements.
We are all blighted by issues, but most people persevere with them day after day not wanting to or not knowing how to rid themselves of the one or two things that may prevent them from being truly happy inside and living life to the full.
I hope that this forum will be used by people who are unsure about how to do that and want to help themselves become more comfortable in their own skin.
As a master practitioner of NLP, a Time Line Therapist and Hypnotherapist my aim was take this into the world to make a difference.  Imagine if you had access to the simple tools and techniques used to rid you of the little voice inside of you that tells you that you are not good enough, not thin enough, not pretty enough etc.  These are the daily negative feelings that hold us back and cause us not to go for what we want in life, and make us unhappy.  More often than not it's not the people around us that make us unhappy, it's that little voice inside of us sabotaging our amazing potential.  We all have the potential to realise our dreams and be content with who we are.  We can start today too.
More often than not people choose to be on the effect side of the equation.  By this I mean they can always blame something or someone for not achieving what they want to achieve, goals they may have set themselves and ultimate happiness.  So many people can recite many reasons for not being at their ideal weight, not being in their ideal job, not living in their ideal house etc.  Yet, more often than not the same people do not have goals and have not set out a plan for their life, they take what is thrown at them and moan about how unlucky or unfortunate they are.  Being at cause for your life is the option chosen by most successful and happy people in this world.  Taking control by living by your choices and accepting failure then moving on is at the heart of their success.  How do you know that you are not good at something unless you try?
All of us at some point in our lives have talked ourselves out of an opportunity and a possibility to do something or be something different to who/what we are today?  I can recall a time when I took singing lessons in order to improve my singing in church as I was chosen to sing the odd solo in front of the church congregation.  In an attempt to improve myself and afford the congregation a more spiritual experience I engaged in singing lessons.  To my surprise the lady tutoring me asked me if I had thought of auditioning for a show/production?  My initial reaction was to laugh out loud..was she just saying this to boost my confidence or did she really believe that I had the potential to be able to carry this off?  I went home to think about this, I practically floated home.  Little did she know that having watched the Sound of Music, Mary Poppins and the like, as a little girl my dream was to sing in a musical - could this be my opportunity to realise my dream??  I spoke with my husband at the time, he laughed and said how are you going to do that, work and look after the children?  Of course, what was I thinking, I had responsibilities.  I did not pursue this opportunity and only now in hindsight do I realise that this was a golden opportunity for me and me alone. I didn't take it up, I refused to go beyond my comfort zone and push my boundary.  I have regretted this decision since then.  You too can live your life with regrets but when in later life you look back you may wish you had taken up the opportunities afforded to you.  Take those opportunities today, live life now.
Let me know you thoughts on what I've written.  Hopefully you can share in my passion for this subject and we can learn and achieve our goals.  Start today, what are you waiting for?
